Resultados: 3

Primary Health Care and the Third Sector in the face of violence between intimate adolescent partners

Objective: to identify and analyze the perceptions and practices of health professionals and of the third sector regarding adolescence and violence between intimate adolescent partners. Method: an exploratory and descriptive study. Data was collected in two sessions of a Critical-Emancipatory Work Wor...

Gênero e violência contra a mulher na literatura de enfermagem: uma revisão

Rev. bras. enferm; 68 (2), 2015
RESUMO Na produção científica sobre desigualdades na relação homens e mulheres destacam-se estudos sobre violência contra a mulher e a premência do seu reconhecimento como problema de saúde pública. Objetivo: considerando o potencial da Enfermagem para um olhar ampliado desta temática, pretende...

Health needs: the interface between the discourse of health professionals and victimized women

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 23 (2), 2015
Objective: to understand the limits and the evaluative possibilities of the Family Health Strategy regarding the recognition of the health needs of women who experience violence. Method: a study with a qualitative approach, grounded in the perspective of gender, and which adopted health needs as the anal...